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110 Sherbet - Techniques and recipes - My "Secret Sherbet Method" - Rasperry, Mango and other Sherbets
is the most simple ice creams to make. It takes literally 5-10 minutes of work if you prepare a little bit in advance. Of course you can make sherbet without an ice cream maker, but they are so much better with one, so I strongly recommend them. Especially the type with built in compressor/freezer.
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Laminated bread is made by making a normal bun dough and then folding it in layers with butter in between. There are different ways to do this. Using croissants and other types of bread as examples I show here what results the different methods will yield. This should enable you to "understand" laminated bread instead of just following a recipe.
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When you make a salad at home, it has a tendency to end up as Iceberg salad with tomato, cucumber and onion. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple and very good French classics to be inspired by.
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Video recipe - If you want to make Danish pastries and desserts, there is simply no way around marzipan. I have many danes living away from the country asking for a marzipan recipe. Because you can not buy it in most places in the world. I have not been happy with the recipes I could find in the literature or online, so here is the one I have made. It took only 1½ weeks of experimentation and reading up to get it right:-S I also contacted one of the major danish marzipan manufacturers (Odense) that kindly shared some secret.
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Video recipe - You often need a syrup as a base ingredient in other recipes. The is a short presentation about how to make your own syrup. I present one basic recipe and show 4 variations that you can use as an ingredient in other recipes.
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Video recipe - Danish pastry is well known and well loved all over the world. And it is very good. But you can actually make your own danish that has an even higher quality that the one you can get from danish bakers. My father in law who is a skilled baker gave me this recipe. I have changed a few things in it though. His version used a special "folding margarine" I have replaced that with real butter, and that does wonder for the taste. But no matter what, it is difficult get a better cake than danish pastry. Which we incidently call "viennese bread" in Denmark :-S
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It's all bread that can be made from the same basic recipe. So here they are, all merged into one. it is based on my "classic french bread recipe". Not the best bread in the world, but very close to what you buy at most bakeries.
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In general, home ovens have a lot of problems. Most of them can be addressed with a few tricks though. One of the best tricks is using a baking stone. You can buy baking stone in many places, but they are rarely optimal. So I made up some tricks myself and now I can bake bread with the best.
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It's easy to make your own yogurt, and it can be quite different from the yoghurt you can buy in the store. If you like yogurt, it's even fun to make your own. People who are lactose intolerant can often also better tolerate homemade yogurt. The longer the yogurt "ferment" the more of the lactose is broken down. Making it easier to digest.
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The best pizza base with the large air holes in the crust and lots of flavor is undoubtedly the wet long-risen dough. It is also easy to make. Do not knead anything. But you need to start your day in advance if you need to reach it.
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Video Recipe - The stock I use in this recipe is made with roasted chicken thighs. The chickens are also divided and the vegetables are cookalong from the beginning. That's the perfect recipe for a muddy and unclear stock. To be honest, I also forgot it for a while, so that it came to a full boil :-S Well actually, it was not really a problem no problem because this stock was meant to be used for a brown sauce. If I had needed a clear stock it would have been too bad. But fear not! It can be cleaned up with this method.
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Video Recipe - We knead bread for three reasons. The first is very simply to mix the ingredients together. The second is that the mixing promotes the formation of the gluten in the flour. It makes the dough more elastic. The third is to bootstrap the fermentation.
In this video I show a basic principle that can be used for any type of dough, and how to implement it for dough with different amounts of hydration.
I also demonstrate what gluten is, and what it does in a bread.
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If you have learned to cook meat from traditional cookbooks, or from your mother's recipes, then all you know to about it is wrong! You are using too high a temperature and too short a time. Most recipes for cooking meat dates back to when there was wooden stoves with only one setting. "Hot". Our modern stoves have made those recipes dated. The best way to roast meat and make it really good, is with a long roast, at a low temperature.
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Video Recipe - Tiramisu is one of my favorite desserts. Unfortunately, it requires large amounts of mascarpone. It is a cream cheese that costs an arm and a leg here in Denmark. And a kidney. Fortunately, it is one of the easiest cheeses to make yourself, and it requires only two ingredients.
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Video Recipe - The butter you buy has had all the flavor washed out to improve durability. You do not need to do that with the home-made version, and therefore it tastes much better than the butter you can buy. It is also pretty easy to make your own butter, so why not try it the next time there's a party? Here is also a few extra recipes and tricks about butter.
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Video Recipe - It is a LOT of fun to make your own cheese and it's actually pretty easy. It does takes a little bit of utensils and ingredients that you don't normally have, but they are easy to obtain and it is definitely worth the effort. The funny thing is that all the cheeses we know have the same basic recipe. Just small changes in how you follow the recipe gives the different cheeses. So if you can make a kind of cheese you can actually make them all. Feta cheese is one of the easiest and fastest. And you don't have to wait a month before it can be eaten. Therefore, it is an ideal starting cheese.
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Video recipe - It's time to bake and the cake just needs a finishing touch of something sweet. It's time to pull out the remonce. It is used for the danish cake "brunsviger", danish pastry, cinnamon buns, cake-man, pastries, almond kringle and cream buns. It's a very simple but necessary base recipe to know.
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Video Recipe - A lot of us, by now, have a pasta machine, but if you are really hardcore, you make it by hand ;-) A rolling pin and a knife is all you need. The funny thing is that it does actually not take any longer to do it by hand ... but it's quite a bit harder on the arms. Ok. A machine is easier, but it's fun to do it all by hand.
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Bechamel sauce is a classic. One of Auguste Escoffiers "big" sauces. It is the most simple of the great sauces to make. In Denmark it is simply known as the white sauce, but it's basically the same. It is a basic recipe that can be used for everything from pasta to fish and as a base for other sauces. It can also be used as a base in onion sauce, cheese sauce (mornay), cream sauce, mushroom sauce, curry sauce (indienne), tomato sauce (aurore) and the Baltic Sauce.
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